Customize Shipping & Return Labels
Branded shipping & return labels for efficient
picking and memorable delivery experiences.
picking and memorable delivery experiences.
- Order Reference & barcode
- Smoother B2C & B2B warehouse flows
- Branded return instructions

Brand every aspect of your shipments
Style your outbound & inbound labels in a few clicks and watch your shipping process escalate to top–players level.
Faster picking for B2C/B2B flows
Insert a barcode, order ID & more to identify orders while leaving or returning to the warehouse.
Elevate the visibility of your brand
Make your shipments emerge over others by adding your logo and enhance your brand awareness.
Smoother returns for you and your clients
Attach custom return instructions with return labels in the box for top-class experiences.

Customize per Carriers, Marketplace or country
Add order reference, logo, barcode, or simply a custom text and decide for which conditions apply your edits with some simple rules.
Order reference if your Marketplace is asking for it
Barcode for fast control over your warehouse
Instructions for return labels in the box